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Kissing Blake (KB) is all about Quality Cloth Diapers as well as other children's apparel.
KB offers daytime diapers, extended/night diapers, swim diapers, NuBee (NB) night and day, Leggings, Harem Pants, Toddler Ties, and accessories.
I strive to have excellent customer service. I am a mother of five awesome children, 3 boys and 2 girls. Kissing Blake is named after my youngest son. He kept kissing me when I was trying to pick a name, his middle name is Blake. So the name Kissing Blake was perfect. My husband helps me with my business, he cuts, pins and sometimes snaps. He lists my diapers and does all the IT stuff. He is a huge help. Our children range from 3 Years to 11 years old.