To enter at a chance to win a beautiful Kissing Blake baby carrier here are the rules:
1. Every $5 donated to the hurricane relief fund will be considered as 1 entry. Example:
1 entry = $5
2 entries= $10
3 entries= $15 and so on
2. For 1 entry you will receive a coupon code for 5% off the future purchase of a KB baby carrier. If you enter 2-4 times you will receive a coupon code for 10% off the future purchase of a KB baby carrier. 5 entries or more you will receive a coupon code for 15% off the future of a KB baby carrier.
4. This fundraiser will close on (date and time). We will then enter All names into and select a winner to win a free KB Baby carrier at no cost. winner will be able to select from any KB custom print.
5. All proceeds will be donated to the Global Giving foundation for the hurricane Harvey and Irma victims