This is a custom listing. Diapers are not RTS. Custom Printed on double brushed poly exclusively for us in Phoenix, Az on Performance Fabric made in the US. Please allow up to 7+ weeks for your diaper to be ready to ship.
Please do not order this with any RTS diaper or a diaper from the "Group Custom" category.
Size choices are:
Choose outer, inner and snap colors. If colors are not chosen I will choose best matching (usually gender neutral)All day diapers come standard with HIDDEN Windpro, and Windpro on bottom soaker to help stay dry longer on the outside. If you choose NIGHT UPGRADE, then Windpro is exposed on the inside.)Top soaker is topped with coordinating cotton velour, and has 2 layers of SHOBF (Super Heavy Organic Bamboo Fleece, 500 GSM). The bottom (smaller) soaker has 2 layers of (SHOBF) and a bottom layer of windpro. There is a total of 5 layers of soaking action, 4 total layers of (SHOBF) and 1 layer of CV (Cotton Velour). These can be folded over creating 10 absorbent layers Fabric Prep InfoAll materials are prewashed, but probably are not fully prepped. The diaper can be put on baby as soon as you receive it. Keep in mind full absorbency will be achieved in about 4 more washes as bamboo needs to be washed about 10 times to reach its full absorbent capabilities. CompliancyAll materials used to create Kissing Blake products are state and federally code compliant. HybridHybrid means the diaper is not fully waterproof, it requires a cover to become fully waterproof. But the diaper can be worn without a cover up to 6 hours (depending on the child and how heavy a wetter she/he is). Quality FabricI use the best quality fabrics I can find to create the best diaper for your baby. The vast majority of my outer fabrics are Euro knit imports, are of high quality, look newer longer, many are organic, pricy, and hard to find (HTF). I keep on hand dozens of yards of great fabric to create custom diapers for you, ehem I mean your little one. (DISCLAIMER: Kissing Blake TM items are not licensed products of Lucas film, Marvel, Disney, DC, or any trademark/copyrighted company you may see in my apparel. However, my items using these fabrics are created using licensed fabric. Kissing BlakeTM is not affiliated with or sponsored by any of these companies |